09:09, 21/09/2020

For reading facilities to be more attractive

For many years, Khanh Hoa provincial library has cooperated with the agencies and localities in the province to build a system of book reading facilities at the grass roots. However, these facilities haven't operated effectively as expected, which has affected the purpose of spreading reading culture among communities.

For many years, Khanh Hoa provincial library has cooperated with the agencies and localities in the province to build a system of book reading facilities at the grass roots. However, these facilities haven’t operated effectively as expected, which has affected the purpose of spreading reading culture among communities.
In the recent opening ceremony of the new facility of Pioneer International English Center (48 Nguyen Khuyen Street, Cam Linh Ward, Cam Ranh City), the leadership of Khanh Hoa provincial library offered the “Green Library” work to the center, making it a place for book circulation at the grass roots. With hundreds of Vietnamese - English bilingual books for children, this place is expected to be useful for children to learn and improve their language learning abilities through stories in the books. Le Thi Bich Dung, director of Pioneer International English Center, is happy that her center was chosen to be a book reading facility. “With this source of books, we will have opportunities to hold extra-curricular activities for students. This is also the basis for us to form the center's reading club,” said Dung.
Children reading books at reading room at Pioneer International English Center
Children reading books at reading room at Pioneer International English Center
The establishment of reading spaces at schools, border posts, communes’ cultural post offices, public learning centers, etc. is a solution to spread reading movement among residential communities, especially in rural areas, mountainous areas and islands. As of now, Khanh Hoa provincial library has opened 81 grass roots reading facilities. Every year, the library circulates books to these reading facilities to serve readers at localities. Since 2015, the provincial library has circulated 176,158 books to grass roots reading facilities.
However, only reading facilities located at schools, border posts, prisons have reported relatively effective operation. No allowance for staff, frequent changes in human resources, inappropriate opening time, and facilities in not good conditions are some reasons of difficulties in management of book circulation and ineffective operation of the reading facilities at grass roots level. Additionally, most of the books for circulation (76,862) of the provincial library are old, which don’t meet the needs for books of people at localities.  
In order to partly improve the effectiveness in developing reading culture in communities, Khanh Hoa provincial library has circulated books to schools and held reading days and book exhibitions at localities. Besides, the library has been checking and evaluating the operational quality of each reading facility to decide whether to maintain or close them. The library will also propose specific investments in facilities, human resources, and operational methods in order to increase the effectiveness of the grass roots reading facilities; focus on building and developing reading facilities in new rural communes and disadvantaged areas in the province. 
Giang Đinh
Translated by H.N