09:07, 15/07/2021

Entertainment establishments seriously abide by regulations on suspension of operations

Implementing the regulations on suspension of operations of unnecessary services, bars, pubs, karaoke parlors, discos, game parlors, etc. in Nha Trang City have closed. The city's functional forces have still regularly carried out inspections.

Implementing the regulations on suspension of operations of unnecessary services, bars, pubs, karaoke parlors, discos, game parlors, etc. in Nha Trang City have closed. The city's functional forces have still regularly carried out inspections.
On 9-7 evening, after social distancing was imposed in Nha Trang, the interdisciplinary inspection delegation of Nha Trang City’s culture and information sectors made inspections at many entertainment establishments in the city, finding many discos, karaoke parlors, bars, pubs, game parlors, etc. closed. On streets such as Tran Phu, Nguyen Thien Thuat, Biet Thu, Hong Bang, Le Dai Hanh, Hoang Dieu, Phong Chau, Van Don, 2-4, Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Doan Tran Nghiep, Mai Xuan Thuong, and 23- 10, entertainment establishments were closed.
Inspection delegation of Nha Trang City checking entertainment establishments on July 9 evening
Inspection delegation of Nha Trang City checking entertainment establishments on July 9 evening
Quoc Te karaoke parlor on Nguyen Thien Thuat Street has suspended its operation since early May after the issuance of direction of the authorities on COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Only cleaning and technical workers are allowed to enter the parlor sometimes, according to the head of the karaoke parlor. Many game parlors on Doan Tran Nghiep Street, which used to receive a lot of patrons days and nights, have been closed for more than two months under social distancing order. Mobile game cafés have also closed for many days.  
Reportedly, implementing the direction on temporary suspension of operation of non-essential service establishments in the 4th wave of COVID-19 pandemic, in May and June, the interdisciplinary inspection delegation of Nha Trang City’s culture and information sectors carried out inspections and put 57 discos, karaoke parlors, bars, clubs, pubs, game parlors, etc. in the city under supervision. At the time of inspection, most of the establishments abided by the regulations on suspending operation except for one café & bar, which was serving around 30 customers, who were not following the 5K motto. Communes and wards in the city have also proactively directed the functional forces to inspect and strictly handle the violations.
Through the inspections, sanctions of administrative violation issued by the chairman of the city People's Committee were imposed on one game parlor in Vinh Hai Ward (VND15 million) and one karaoke parlor in Vinh Hoa Ward (VND15 million). In the time to come, the interdisciplinary inspection delegation and the local people’s committees will continue to check cultural and entertainment activities and establishments.
According to Luu Thanh Nhan, Vice-Chairman of Nha Trang City People's Committee, the city has directed the city Bureau of Culture and Information to regularly monitor and update the residents the pandemic situations in the localities. Besides, the city will continue to supervise the implementation of operation suspension of entertainment establishments and will apply strict punishments on violations under regulations.  
Giang Đinh
Translated by H.N