10:07, 18/07/2021

Towards cultural industry

The political report of the 18th Khanh Hoa Provincial Communist Party Congress clearly stated the limitations in the field of culture, and the orientation to 2025 also stated the need of paying attention to investment in major cultural facilities and institutions.

The political report of the 18th Khanh Hoa Provincial Communist Party Congress clearly stated the limitations in the field of culture, and the orientation to 2025 also stated the need of paying attention to investment in major cultural facilities and institutions.
With its cultural and historical depth, Nha Trang City in particular and Khanh Hoa Province in general own unique monuments and landscapes. They are the monuments relating to Mother Goddess worship religion such as Am Chua and Ponagar Tower; the monuments of historical characters such as Trinh Phong, Tran Duong, and Tran Quy Cap; and the monuments being associated to feudal history, for example Ninh Hoa Prefect and Dien Khanh Ancient Citadel, etc. Additionally, Khanh Hoa still preserves many unique art forms such as Bai Choi, Chau Van (spiritual) singing, mediumship ritual, Boi singing (Vietnamese operatic art form), Don Ca Tai Tu (Vietnam’s musical art with both scholarly and folk roots), and so on.
Performance of traditional musical instruments at Hon Chong Club House (Photo taken in 2019)
Performance of traditional musical instruments at Hon Chong Club House (Photo taken in 2019)
Khanh Hoa’s cultural potential is the rich resources to exploit and become the economic resources. Nguyen Thi Le Thanh, deputy director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Tourism, says that the province’s types of culture have always been connected with tourism development activities. However, this has still been limited and hasn’t brought the values of diverse cultural, art, historical forms and cultural monuments of the regions into full play. The facilities for night cultural and art activities are still not adequate to impress tourists. It requires a better and stable investment in order to promote the traditional cultural characters which will be closely connected with tourism development.
According to Nguyen Thanh Ha, director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, the cultural activities in the province have only been organized mainly through preservation and maintenance; the promotion of culture has still been limited. In fact, the province's rich and diverse cultural resources can generate revenue for the province’s budget if they can be exploited properly and effectively. 
Khanh Hoa’s strength in cultural industry lies mainly in two fields: performance art, fine art, photography, and exhibition; and cultural tourism. At a meeting with Khanh Hoa’s leadership on new provincial museum building project, Nguyen Viet Chuc, former Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Education, Adolescents and Youth of the National Assembly, stated that a province aiming to develop tourism as spearhead sector like Khanh Hoa needed an adequate place for tourists to visit and learn about local culture, history, and life. Reportedly, Vietnam Culture and Art Exhibition Center used to hesitate about choosing a place in Khanh Hoa to be the venue for the exhibition of Vietnam’s cultural heritages and sea and island tourism in 2019. Finally, the provincial Conference Center was chosen because Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa hasn’t had an exhibition center. 
Khanh Hoa’s painters, sculptors, and photographers have created and produced many works, which were highly appreciated by domestic experts. An adequate exhibition place can also help Khanh Hoa artists to promote their works and activities better as well as help the province to have more opportunities to be chosen as the venue for national and regional exhibitions. 
Reportedly, in the development orientation of cultural sector to 2030 and a vision to 2050, Khanh Hoa has planned to invest in many important cultural institutions, including the provincial performance art center, a cultural center, and a new provincial museum. The province will also renovate and re-plan the area of Dien Khanh Ancient Citadel and Am Chua Monument, which are the two nation-level monuments. 
Giang Đinh
Translated by H.N