12:10, 04/10/2021

Exchange program supporting COVID-19 prevention and control

Khanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union is coordinating with Khanh Hoa Radio and Television (KTV) to organize an exchange program to support COVID-19 prevention and control. Khanh Hoa News made an interview with Bui Hoai Nam, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, about this program.

Khanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union is coordinating with Khanh Hoa Radio and Television (KTV) to organize an exchange program to support COVID-19 prevention and control. Khanh Hoa News made an interview with Bui Hoai Nam, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, about this program.
- The exchange program conveys many meaningful messages for the forces participating in the pandemic prevention and control, patients and people quarantined due to COVID-19; audience and listeners. 
- The program is live streamed via the fanpages of Khanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union and KTV at 8pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The program has about eight episodes; four episodes have been aired. Each episode has its own content and subject. The program features art performances, music performances energizing the spirit of the frontline forces preventing and controlling the pandemic and COVID-19 patients, who have been quarantined. The guests of the program are those who are directly involved in the prevention and control of the pandemic, COVID-19 patients who have been cured of the disease, and volunteers. The guests share stories, work, and life during the days of pandemic prevention and control. They are required to follow COVID-19 regulations and have COVID-19 tested before taking part in the program. 
- How effective is the program?
- The number of viewer interaction and viewership is quite high; each episode has had about 1,000 viewers. Through the information shared by the guests, viewers and listeners can know more about the prevention and control work in the province. This can raise the public’s awareness of compliance with pandemic prevention and control regulations.
- The viewers and listeners can also interact with the program by commenting and participating in quizzes about the pandemic such as policies for people affected by the pandemic; suggest ideas and introduce good models and typical examples in COVID-19 prevention and control.
- The program also helps to energize the spirit of the people, medical forces, and volunteers on duty to prevent and control the pandemic.
- Thank you for your answers!
Interviewer: V.T 
Translated by H.N