11:04, 15/04/2022

Developing culture of Khanh Hoa Province

Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has just issued a plan to implement a nation-scale strategy for cultural development to 2030, promulgated by the Prime Minister at the end of 2021, in the province. The plan states feasible targets and solutions to build and develop the culture and people of the province.

Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has just issued a plan to implement a nation-scale strategy for cultural development to 2030, promulgated by the Prime Minister at the end of 2021, in the province. The plan states feasible targets and solutions to build and develop the culture and people of the province.
Paying attention to culture
As stated in the plan, in the next eight years, Khanh Hoa will develop towards comprehensive and synchronous development and international integration; create a driving force for economic development; and take advantage of the province's tourism potential. Specifically, localities at district and commune levels will strive to have 100% of culture-sports centers meeting standards. Hamlet-level cultural-sports institutions will be gradually invested to operate effectively. Province-level cultural institutions such as museums; art centers; culture-exhibition centers; and library will be built, renovated, and equipped with digital technologies in exhibitions and performances of culture and art.
Nha Trang Sea Festival, a large cultural event of Khanh Hoa
Nha Trang Sea Festival, a large cultural event of Khanh Hoa
The province will try to restore and embellish 70% of nation-level monuments and 80%of province-level monuments; make projects and programs to protect and promote the values of 70% of nation-level intangible cultural heritages; ensure at least 90% of people in remote, border and island areas and 90% of communes in ethnic minority and mountainous areas can enjoy and participate in cultural activities; ensure more than 85% of localities and units achieve titles in cultural movements; and computerize cultural units. Cultural industries including cinema, performing arts, cultural tourism, fine arts, photography, exhibitions, and advertising will strive to contribute 7% to the province's GDP and maintain an average annual growth rate of 7%. Annually, the level of investment in culture accounts for at least 2% of the total budget expenditure.
Implementing 11 groups of tasks and solutions
In order to achieve the targets, the provincial People's Committee has proposed 11 groups of tasks and solutions that need to be implemented synchronously by the provincial departments, sectors and localities in the province. As for the national cultural heritage, the province focuses on preservation, renovation and restoration and on combining the preservation and promotion of cultural heritages with tourism development.  The province will pay intention to develop the cultural and historical values in the monuments of Ponagar Tower; Dien Khanh Ancient Citadel; communal houses, pagodas and shrines; the museum at the Institute of Oceanography; Yersin Museum at Pasteur Institute Nha Trang; Gac Ma memorial site; C235 Ship-Ho Chi Minh Trail at Sea memorial site, etc. The folk cultural activities such as Ponagar Temple Festival, performances of Bai Choi, Tuong (Vietnam's classical drama), and traditional musical instruments will also be preserved and promoted. Additionally, the province will better the quality of collection, research, inventory and classification of intangible cultural heritages and documentary heritages; restore and preserve some types of intangible cultural heritages and traditional art forms which have been at risk of extinction with priority given to ethnic cultural heritages.
Khanh Hoa will also prioritize the development of some main cultural industries and products with potential and advantages; promote the development of contemporary art forms; gradually improve the competitiveness of cultural industries; actively expand cultural cooperation with other countries; diversify forms of foreign cultural exchange; and deepen international cultural relations. Besides, the province will complete the investment project of the provincial library to turn it into a digital and automated library; coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in building the national database of culture and art; and apply geographic information system in the management, protection and promotion of cultural heritages.
Giang Dinh
Translated by H.N