08:03, 28/03/2023

Numerous exhibitions to be held

On March 30, three exhibitions displaying important photos, documents and artifacts about socio-economic, historical and cultural characteristics of Khanh Hoa Province in 370 years of construction and development (1653 - 2023) will open at the areas of Tram Huong Tower, Phu Dong Park and Khanh Hoa Provincial Library.

On March 30, three exhibitions displaying important photos, documents and artifacts about socio-economic, historical and cultural characteristics of Khanh Hoa Province in 370 years of construction and development (1653 - 2023) will open at the areas of Tram Huong Tower, Phu Dong Park and Khanh Hoa Provincial Library.
Diverse knowledge sources
The photo exhibition on achievements and orientation towards socio-economic development of Khanh Hoa during 370 years of construction and development by the provincial Culture and Cinema Center at Tram Huong Tower will introduce 250 photos of the development process of the province; outstanding achievements and results that the provincial Party Committee and authorities and local people have achieved in all fields of society and economy. As planned, the opening ceremony of the exhibition will include the announcement of the contest on the architectural plan of Truong Sa Museum.


Tram Huong Tower
An exhibition held at Tram Huong Tower
The exhibition about past and present Khanh Hoa held by the Provincial Museum at Phu Dong Park will display 250 documents and photos; more than 50 production equipment and appliances of the typical ethnic groups in Khanh Hoa; over 100 antiques of the antique collectors in Nha Trang City; pictures of the ancient fishing villages and the beautiful scenery of Nha Trang. The exhibition also features 50 documents, maps, land records, artifacts, drawings, archaeological photos of ancient people in Khanh Hoa; 36 costumes of 36 ethnic groups living in the province; more than 50 photos about the life and career of Dr. Alexandre Yersin and the monuments and places related to the doctor. In addition, there are stalls of local quality products and sections for folk art and cuisine and folk games. At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the organization committee will also announce the decision of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on the addition of the working house of Doctor A. Yersin at Hon Ba (Suoi Cat Commune, Cam Lam District) to the list of the national historical monuments related to the doctor.
The other is the themed exhibition of documents on the history of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province jointly organized by the provincial Department of Home Affairs at the Provincial Library. The exhibition will display 30 to 50 pictures of the woodblocks and 3 to 5 woodblock prints of Nguyen Dynasty, etc.
Creating spaces for cultural activities
The Provincial Museum is actively cooperating with other units and individuals to bring the public an exhibition about past and present Khanh Hoa with many accompanying activities such as art performances. 
According to Nguyen Van Thien, director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, the organization of exhibitions at the aforementioned places will attract many viewers and help create familiar spaces for cultural activities for local people and tourists in Nha Trang. The exhibitions with rich content and new ways of organization are expected to bring meaningful experiences to the public. This is also a highlight of the series of activities to celebrate the 370th anniversary of construction and development of Khanh Hoa.
Giang Dinh
Translated by H.N