10:03, 08/03/2023

Themed exhibition about past and present Khanh Hoa to be held

On the occasion of the 370th anniversary of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province (1653-2023), Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports has issued a plan to organize a themed exhibition about Khanh Hoa in the past and present. Dang Quoc Van, deputy director of the provincial Department of Culture and Sport, gave an interview to Khanh Hoa Newspaper on this event.

On the occasion of the 370th anniversary of construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province (1653-2023), Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports has issued a plan to organize a themed exhibition about Khanh Hoa in the past and present. Dang Quoc Van, deputy director of the provincial Department of Culture and Sport, gave an interview to Khanh Hoa Newspaper on this event.
Dang Quoc Van, deputy director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sport
Dang Quoc Van, deputy director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sport
- The exhibition takes place at the area of Phu Dong Park (Nha Trang City) from March 30 to April 6, featuring the historical and cultural traditions of Khanh Hoa; achievements of ethnic communities in the province; and the unique characteristics of the ethnic groups.
- What are the exhibits?
- The exhibition is a general one with five topics: Khanh Hoa - historical milestones; cultural colors through costumes of ethnic groups in Khanh Hoa; Nha Trang - from a fishing village to a livable city; color of sea; Khanh Hoa and its people. The topic “Khanh Hoa - historical milestones” features documents, maps, land records, artifacts, drawings, photos, etc. reflecting Khanh Hoa’s culture and existence of Vietnamese in Khanh Hoa from 1653 to present. The topic of cultural colors through costumes introduces 36 costumes of 36 ethnic groups living in the province. With the topic “Nha Trang - from a fishing village to a livable city”, the visitors to the exhibition can view the changes of Nha Trang City from before 1924 to the present through maps, images and documents.
In the exhibition, Khanh Hoa Museum will perform art arrangement with fishing tools
In the exhibition, Khanh Hoa Museum will perform art arrangement with fishing tools
A space for art arrangement will provide the public a view of daily life of fishermen in Khanh Hoa. The exhibited fishing tools and traditional craft tools of fishermen in the coastal province, images of Whale Worshipping Festival and activities at the sea of fishermen, etc. are expected to make people appreciate more the values of sea. The topic of land and people of Khanh Hoa introduce the visitors videos introducing images of the land of aloeswood and salanganes nest, typical monuments and tourist attractions of Khanh Hoa, and feelings of some Khanh Hoa people, who are living far away from homeland, and foreign tourists about the province. 
- The exhibition takes place at the area of Phu Dong Park, an open space. In order to take full advantage of this space, does the organization committee consider adding interactive and experiential activities?
- The organization of cultural and music activities at the area of Phu Dong Park over the past time shows that this place is suitable for public activities. Therefore, we have planed to organize recreational activities for the visitors to the exhibition. Specifically, there will be an area for stalls of traditional cakes and sweet soup; stalls of agricultural products of young start-up people; space for ancient objects; and area for children’s folk games. There will also be night music and fashion programs.
The provincial Museum and the units under the provincial Department of Culture and Sport are actively preparing for the organization of the exhibition and the aforementioned activities. 
- Thank you for your answers!
Giang Dinh
Translated by H.N