21:58, 09/05/2023

Applying Quickom to cultural and sports activities

Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports has just signed a cooperation agreement with their partners on digital transformation in some activities. Quickom software has been selected, aiming to facilitate the department’s operation and organization of cultural and sports events.

The art program celebrating the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South, National Reunification Day and International Labor Day took place at 2-4 Square (Nha Trang City) on April 30 night and was broadcast live on Quickom. The platform delighted online audience with full-HD quality videos of the performances.


Art program celebrating the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South, National Reunification Day and International Labor Day was broadcast live on Quickom 
Art program celebrating the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South, National Reunification Day and International Labor Day was broadcast live on Quickom 

Previously, the tickets of the match between Khanh Hoa FC and Dong A Thanh Hoa in the first round of V.League 1 Night Wolf 2023 at 19-8 Nha Trang Stadium were sold on Quickom. The ticket purchasers were given codes to access the stadium.

According to Nguyen Van Thien, director of the provincial Department of Culture and Sports, digital transformation in cultural and sports sector involves some specific difficulties. With the wish to make cultural and sports activities more accessible to the public, some units such as provincial Monument Preservation Center, provincial Museum and Library have carried out digital transformation projects. The provincial Department of Culture and Sports has also contacted ASP Military Software Park (under Telecommunications University) and Quickom Co., Ltd. (Ho Chi Minh City) to use Quickom for the meetings, conferences and events of the sector.

Nowadays, online learning and meeting on the platforms such as Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and Zoom have been popular. Events and activities are also often webcast on social media platforms namely Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, etc. or on TV channels. However, conducting meetings, classes or webcasting events on these platforms may involve some problems, for example cyber-security, limitation on the number of people participating at the same time. Besides, these platforms only provide one type of service each; none of them provide both conference platform and webcasting service. Therefore, Quickom, a decentralized teleconference platform for large-scale conferences, classrooms, and online events with up to 10,000 participants is considered a necessary solution for the operation of the cultural and sports sector. 

“Quickom is the U.S-patented decentralized teleconference platform, providing a comprehensive and effective platform for the telecommunications needs of organizations and individuals. Especially, Quickom is designed for large-scale online activities, such as conferences, seminars, cultural and sports events, etc. With technology to optimize network bandwidth, high quality of all calls and videos are guaranteed on all types of devices”, said PhD Nguyen Huy Dat, director of Quickom Co., Ltd.

With Quickom, in the time to come, Khanh Hoa Province’s culture and sports sector will organize more online meetings and conferences. Important cultural and sports events will also be broadcast live so that the events can reach more audience in and outside the province. Quickom is available for download on Android, iOS and Windows devices.

Giang Dinh
Translated by H.N