23:54, 30/06/2023

Digitizing cultural heritages


The digitization of monuments and cultural heritages in recent years has increased the effectiveness of media activities and introduction of historical and cultural places and monuments. Recently, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has issued a plan to implement digitization program of cultural heritages in the province.

Improving introduction and popularization of cultural heritages

Visitors can learn about Ponagar Temple using QR code
Visitors can learn about Ponagar Temple using QR code

Youth unions in the province have created QR codes for some monuments namely Gac Ma soldier memorial site (Cam Lam District), Hon Du revolutionary base (Khanh Vinh District), Phu Cang Communal House (Van Ninh District), etc. This helps visitors learn about the monuments autonomously and conveniently. The information stored in the QR codes were collected from official and reliable sources and were verified and approved by specialized agencies.

Since 2020, the provincial Department of Culture and Sports has cooperated with Nha Trang University to place QR codes at Ponagar Temple. The provincial Monument Preservation Center has also put into use the automatic audio guide using QR code at the temple, helping visitors learn about the temple’s formation, cultural values, architecture, festival features, customs and beliefs relating to the temple, etc. “I just need to scan the QR code with my phone to listen to the audio about Ponagar Temple. This is very convenient for visitors as they can learn about the place autonomously," said Nguyen Ngoc Huyen, a tourist from Ho Chi Minh City. 

According to Nguyen Tuan Dung, deputy director in charge of the provincial Monument Preservation Center, besides the implementation of QR codes, the unit has also created a database and application on digital platforms of scientific records, documents on monuments and cultural heritage on website http://qlhsdtkh.org.vn. The website provides deeper information about 16 national-level monuments, 180 province-level monuments, and 3 national-level intangible cultural heritages. Ponagar Temple and some historical and cultural artifacts and works in Nha Trang City have been digitized in 3D. Tourists can also find information about national-level and province-level monuments on the website http://ditichkhanhhoa.org.vn of the provincial Monument Preservation Center. 

Promoting digitization more strongly

On June 21, the Provincial People's Committee issued a plan to implement the program to digitize Vietnam’s cultural heritages in the province in 2021 - 2030 period. The plan aims to build a database system of cultural heritages in the province to facilitate the preservation and promotion of national and provincial cultural heritages; apply information technology to preserve records, data, national treasures, antiquities, relics, and precious objects being kept at museums and monuments in the province. The common goal is to build a provincial database system of cultural heritages on a unified digital technology platform and make national digital data of cultural heritages interoperable.

Nation-level Dien Khanh Ancient Citadel
Nation-level Dien Khanh Ancient Citadel

In order for the implementation of the plan to be effective, the province will build a digital platform and implement common sets of standards on storage; create digitized data of cultural heritages; operate database of cultural heritages; carry out solutions to ensure network safety and security.

According to the plan of the Provincial People's Committee, by 2030, 100% of national tangible and intangible cultural heritages and inventoried heritages will have been digitized; 100% of national-level and province-level monuments, relics and national treasures will have been digitized; 100% of specialists working in the field of cultural heritages will have been trained in digitization skills.

Giang Dinh
Translated by H.N