12:21, 14/09/2023

Exploring Japanese culture in Nha Trang City


Amy Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center (59 Le Thanh Phuong Street, Nha Trang City) was established nearly four years ago and has become a familiar address for people who love to explore Japanese culture.

Japanese tea culture 

Amy Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center displays some types of traditional culture and art of Japan. At the currently organized Vietnamese-Japanese cultural exchange in Nha Trang, Tetsuya Sakai, the representative of Amy Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center introduced Japanese tea culture to the participants and performed Japanese tea ceremony. The process of preparing and drinking green tea creates a harmonious atmosphere and a sense of respect between the host and the guest. “I am very happy to introduce everyone to the tea ceremony of our country. This is a unique cultural feature that shows the hospitality of Japanese people,” said Tetsuya Sakai. Hospitality is the spirit of Japanese tea ceremony, he added. 

Tetsuya Sakai introducing Japanese tea culture to participants at the cultural exchange 
Tetsuya Sakai introducing Japanese tea culture to participants at the cultural exchange 

A place promoting Japanese culture

Tetsuya Sakai used to be a lecturer at Waseda University (Japan). During his travel to Ho Chi Minh City in 2011, he visited a Japanese school and impressed by the interest in Japanese language of many young people. This inspired him to do something to help Vietnamese young people learn Japanese. In 2015, after completing his work in Japan, Tetsuya Sakai returned to Vietnam and spent more time to learn about the country and Vietnamese people. After that, he decided to settle in Vietnam. Just after one time visiting the beach city of Nha Trang, Tetsuya Sakai chose to live in this land. “I enjoy the beauty of Nha Trang City’s landscape and friendliness of Nha Trang people. I thought it would be great to build a facility to teach Japanese and introduce Japanese culture in Nha Trang. Therefore, I built Amy Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center in 2019. I hope that Vietnamese people can explore more about the unique culture of Japan,” said Tetsuya Sakai.

Amy Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center has modern facilities and teaching equipment with decor bearing Japanese culture. The center’s students are taught Japanese, computing, mental math, robot assembly, painting, etc. The center also teaches young students about Japanese tea ceremony, calligraphy, origami, Ikebana flower arrangement, singing, dancing, meditation, storytelling skills; how to dress in traditional Japanese costumes (Kimono, yukata, fundoshi, etc.). Additionally, the center often holdS cultural exchanges, aiming to arousing the public’s interest in Japanese language and Japan’s culture.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic relations (September 21, 1973 - September 21, 2023), many activities celebrating this event are taking place across Vietnam and Khanh Hoa Province. “Thanks to the contribution of every Vietnamese and Japanese person, the friendly relationship between the two countries has been strengthened. I always believe that the good relationship between the two countries will grow further," said Tetsuya Sakai.

Giang Dinh
Translated by H.N