22:02, 07/09/2023

Vietnamese-Japanese cultural exchange


Khanh Hoa Province’s Union of Friendship Organizations and Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center (Nha Trang City) organized a Vietnamese-Japanese cultural exchange to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic relations (September 21, 1973 - September 21, 2023) on September 6. The representatives of some departments, sectors and organizations in Khanh Hoa and Japanese people living and working in the province attended the event.

The leader of Khanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organizations presenting flowers to the representatives of Japanese organizations who have supported the exchange
The leader of Khanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organizations presenting flowers to the representatives of Japanese organizations who have supported the exchange

The cultural exchange featured many music performances about Vietnam and Japan. The representative of Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center introduced and performed Japanese tea ceremony.

Representative of Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center introducing Japanese tea culture 
Representative of Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Center introducing Japanese tea culture 
Music performance performed at the cultural exchange
Music performance performed at the cultural exchange

Reportedly, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has issued a plan to organize many diplomatic activities in the fields of politics, economy and culture in order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic relations in Khanh Hoa Province and promote investment, exchanges, and images of Vietnamese culture and people in Japan and vice versa.

Translated by H.N