15:26, 06/08/2024

Experiencing new cultural activities at Ponagar Temple 


After a time of careful preparation, Khanh Hoa Provincial Monument Preservation Center recently officially launched the art program "Sacred land of aloeswood" at Ponagar Temple the temples as the backdrop. Besides, the night program namely “Moonlight reflecting on the temple” will take place on the 15th of lunar month, promising to offer visitors, who want to learn and explore Ponagar Temple at night, new unique cultural experience.

Impressive experience

Attending the program "Sacred land of aloeswood" included incense offering ceremony in the Mandapa area. This is a ritual to express gratitude to gods and pray for favorable weather, good crops, happiness of couples, and the growth of all beings. At the ground near the temples, Cham artists from My Nghiep Village (Ninh Thuan Province) performed their traditional brocade weaving techniques; Cham people danced their traditional dances. The highlight of the program was the performance of an excerpt from the play "Legend of the mother of the land" performed by the artists of Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Art Theater. Additionally, the visitors also experienced playing Cham people’s traditional musical instruments and joined Cham dances, took pictures with the artisans and artists. 

Khanh Hoa Province’s leadership seeing a performance of brocade weaving performed by Cham woman in the program Sacred land of aloeswood taking place in early 2024
Khanh Hoa Province’s leadership seeing a performance of brocade weaving performed by Cham woman in the program "Sacred land of aloeswood" taking place in early 2024

The “Moonlight reflecting on the temple” program, which takes place on the 15th every lunar month, will begin with an incense offering ceremony. From Mandapa area, visitors will go to the area of Cham temples, which are 700 to 1,300 years old, to experience the Cham’s traditional brocade weaving, the Cham’s folk dance and calligraphy. The main part of the program features contemporary folk music performances by the artists of Hai Dang Song and Dance Troupe and dance performances with folding fans, jars, praranung drum, ghi nang drum, saranai flute by Cham art troupe of the Provincial Monument Preservation Center. 

A night economy product

The "Sacred land of aloeswood" and “Moonlight reflecting on the temple” programs were jointly organized and staged by the Provincial Monument Preservation Center and art troupes in late 2023 and early 2024. From the trials of the programs, the center made some changes and improved the quality of the programs based on the reviews and ideas of the Provincial Department of Culture and Sports and other related units. The ticket price is VND30,000/person. The center has worked with the Provincial Department of Tourism, Nha Trang-Khanh Hoa Tourism Association and many tourism businesses to bring tourists a unique cultural tourism product at Ponagar Temple at night.

An excerpt from the play Legend of the mother of the land performed in Sacred land of aloeswood program in early 2024
An excerpt from the play "Legend of the mother of the land" performed in "Sacred land of aloeswood" program in early 2024

The "Sacred land of aloeswood" and “Moonlight reflecting on the temple” programs have received attention and interest from the leaders of the province and cultural sector as well as local people and tourists. Ponagar Temple, an attractive spiritual cultural tourist destination of Khanh Hoa, is often open for visitors during day time. Therefore, exploring this ancient and legendary monument at night is worth trying.

An excerpt from the play Legend of the mother of the land performed in Sacred land of aloeswood program in early 2024
An excerpt from the play "Legend of the mother of the land" performed in "Sacred land of aloeswood" program in early 2024

The "Sacred land of aloeswood" and “Moonlight reflecting on the temple” programs are considered one of the cultural and art activities associated with the province's night-time economic development project. These are also necessary programs helping to preserve, promote and exploit the unique cultural and artistic values related to Ponagar Temple effectively. The focus on exploiting good traditional cultural values related to Ponagar Temple will bring visitors a variety of experiences. In the future, the Provincial Department of Culture and Sports will continue to find ways and invest to improve these products with more diverse and rich activities, according Nguyen Van Nhuan, director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports.

Giang Dinh
Translated by H.N