08:12, 06/12/2013

Impressive Chirstmas tree lighting-up ceremony at Yasaka Hotel on Dec. 7

A masquerade and Christmas tree lighting-up ceremony will be held at Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang Hotel...

A Christmas tree lighting-up ceremony and masquerade will be held at Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang Hotel on December 7.


The festive night will begin at 19:00 with music and masquerade shows, followed by spectacular lighting-up rites at 20:00 to open the festival season 2013.

Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang is impressive with a Christmas tree made of different materials every year. A 14m Christmas tree made from 10,000 Vikoda bottles for 7 days this year will be lighted up, sending a message of environmental protection and recycling.