05:04, 28/04/2014

Nhu Tien Beach holds interesting activities on April 30, May 1 holiday

From April 30 to May 3, 2014, Nhu Tien Beach of Diamond Bay Resort & Spa (Nha Trang) will organize a lot of interesting activities to serve visitors on the occasion of the Liberation Day and May Day holiday...

From April 30 to May 3, 2014, Nhu Tien Beach of Diamond Bay Resort & Spa (Nha Trang) will organize a lot of interesting activities to serve visitors on the occasion of the Liberation Day and May Day holiday.

Specifically, from 9 am, the beach will be roused by Phillipines band, Hawaii dance and belly dance. After that, there will be a beach buffet party with a lot of baked seafood and performances of violin and guitar.

Playing funny game on Nhu Tien Beach.
Playing funny game on Nhu Tien Beach.

Besides, services, including jetski, parasailing, canoe and surfing are available here.

Thưởng thức tiệc trên biển mang lại cho bạn nhiều trải nghiệm thú vị.
Enjoy beach party on Nhy Tien Beach.