04:07, 05/07/2015

Discovering Bai Dai beach

Coming to Bai Dai Beach (in Cam Hai Dong Commune, Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa Province) now, tourists not only can enjoy the natural beauty but also can join a lot of interesting sea activities...

Coming to Bai Dai Beach (in Cam Hai Dong Commune, Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa Province) now, tourists not only can enjoy the natural beauty but also can join a lot of interesting sea activities.

About 20 kilometers apart from the center of Nha Trang City, Bai Dai beach owns spectacular landscape with one kilometer of beach which has smooth white sand and clean blue sea.


People have long since come to Bai Dai to contemplate the landscape, the fresh atmosphere of the sea, swim in the blue sea and enjoy delicious seafood. However, Bai Dai had drawn many local visitors but few tourists from other places because the beach had no tourist products or hotels. Therefore, potentials of Bai Dai haven’t been upheld as expected.


Bai Dai beach
Bai Dai beach


Recently, Sealife Joint Stock Company has invested some sea tourist products in Bai Dai, which makes the beach more interesting. Coming to Bai Dai now, tourists can play some games such as jetski for strong feelings, parasailing to contemplate the sea landscape from above, and diving to see the ocean world with beautiful coral reefs and colorful fish flocks.


According to Sealife Chairman of the Board of Directors Tran Trang Nam, the company aims to develop a mass of sea sports in Bai Dai. The company is carrying out a 2,000 sq.m floating park with a lot of games suitable with different players. The company also is complying with necessary formalities to put diving motor service into operation this year. The two products are expected to appear for the first time in Vietnam.


Pernament Vice-chairman of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Tourism Association Nguyen Van Thanh confirmed that Bai Dai beach is a precious gift the nature gives to Khanh Hoa. The addition of tourist products to Bai Dai will attract more visitors to the beach.