11:07, 03/07/2015

Free entrance to museums and relics in 4 days

On the celebration of the Traditional Day of the Culture branch and the second Patriotism Emulation Congress, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism allows museums and relics nationwide to provide free entrance for visitors from 25 to 28, August 2015...

On the celebration of the Traditional Day of the Culture branch and the second Patriotism Emulation Congress, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism allows museums and relics nationwide to provide free entrance for visitors from 25 to 28, August 2015.


Khanh Hoa Provincial Museum located at 16 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang
Khanh Hoa Provincial Museum located at 16 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang


The ministry also asked museums and relics to organize exhibibtion and educational activities to provide information on achievements and contributions of the cultural branch during the past 70 years in August.