23:56, 20/06/2024

Exploring Hon Ba mountain peak by open-top bus

Hon Ba peak (1,578m above sea level), where Dr. A.Yersin's office is located, is a destination for tourists who love to explore. Western Pacific Investment and Travel Joint Stock Company has just been allowed to take tourists to Hon Ba by open-top bus, which helps visitors feel the cool air and natural beauty of Hon Ba Nature Reserve, with the imprint of Dr. A. Yersin in the green forest covered with clouds...

After nearly 10 years, I returned to Hon Ba peak on a tour bus of Western Pacific Investment and Travel Joint Stock Company. From Kong Forest tourist park ( in Suoi Cat commune, Cam Lam district), the open-top bus takes passengers to the top of Hon Ba - where the footprints of world-famous scientist A.Yersin were imprinted. It's still the same winding road, but with an open-roof bus (the mobile roof can be opened and closed), bringing tourists new experiences. Sitting in the bus, you can easily see beautiful ferns and primeval forests with many large trees rising into the blue sky. Many tourists marvel at the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road every time the bus passes a curve, opening up new perspectives. Up to an altitude of 700m above sea level, the cool outside air, the gentle wind blowing on the skin, the sound of wild birds chirping in the morning sunlight... make visitors forget the feeling of fatigue.

Guests take souvenir photos in front of Dr. A.Yersins house in Hon Ba.
Tourists posing for souvenir photos in front of Dr. A.Yersin's house in Hon Ba.

Throughout the journey, Kong Forest's tour guides provide visitors with useful information about Hon Ba. “Hon Ba forest has 56 animal species and 43 rare plant species listed in the Vietnam Red Book and the World Red Book", the tour guide shared. Then the story of Dr. A.Yersin using the reward money to hire people to pave the way to the top of Hon Ba, built a wooden house as a place to stay when he came here to do scientific research. Just like that, the journey seemed to be shortened, and soon we saw Dr. A.Yersin's house in front of us.

Although more than 80 years have passed since Dr. A. Yersin passed away, the legacy he left behind in Hon Ba is well preserved. His wooden house (restored about 20 years ago) is imprinted on the deep blue sky. Western Pacific Investment and Travel Joint Stock Company has restored the surrounding landscape, as well as searched for more artifacts and images to display. The first floor of Dr. A. Yersin's office is decorated with photos and documents about his life. The second floor contains items related to his life such as a desk, a set of tables and chairs where he used to receive guests in the past, and a separate corner with a small bed for him to rest. There is an altar here so that when anyone visits the house, they can light incense to commemorate him... Traces of Dr. A.Yersin's research are still here, including the nursery tanks. Around Dr. A.Yersin's house, clusters of hydrangeas, turmeric, and amaryllis trees were replanted to enhance the scenery of Hon Ba peak. Standing on the wooden house tinged with time, visitors look towards the sea and see a glimpse of Nha Trang...

Tourists contemplate landscape in Hon Ba.
Tourists contemplate landscape in Hon Ba.

During that trip, many new tourists coming to Hon Ba for the first time were surprised by its beauty. They were engrossed in exploring Dr. A. Yersin's house and taking check-in photos from many different angles. "I really like the feeling of holding a cup of coffee and admiring the scenery here, the space is so chill", Le Thanh Huyen, a tourist from Hanoi shared. Present on the trip, Ngo Van Dinh - Vice President of Phu Yen Tourism Association excitedly expressed, "This is the first time I have been to the top of Hon Ba. I am really surprised that there is such a beautiful area about 40km from Nha Trang. I am really impressed that the operator uses very airy buses to transport passengers, helping visitors feel the fresh air and beautiful nature in Hon Ba throughout the journey. Especially, when standing here, looking towards the sea you can see Suoi Dau Lake, Nha Trang and Bai Dai area (Cam Lam district) on the sea side."

After the Western Pacific Investment and Travel Joint Stock Company put it into operation, many tourists signed up for a tour to visit Hon Ba peak. To facilitate tourist registration, the company arranges many time frames for visitors during the day. Guests can register directly through the company's website, travel agencies in Khanh Hoa or contact the Management Board of Hon Ba Nature Reserve.

Xuan Thanh

Translated by T.T