07:03, 09/03/2011

Not difficult to save electricity

 Saving electricity has become extremely necessary in recent years when electricity has not been enough to supply the country. Saving electricity is not difficult but brings big economy for individuals as well as businesses...

Saving electricity has become extremely necessary in recent years when electricity has not been enough to supply the country. Saving electricity is not difficult but brings big economy for individuals as well as businesses.

Forecasts say that there will be continuous electricity shortage in 2011 and the following years as electricity projects develop slowly and the weather becomes drier. The country is calculated to be short of 3.8 billion KWh electricity in 2011. In Khanh Hoa Province the electricity will meet only 93 - 95% of the using demand from February to June.

The electricity shortage in 2011 in dry months will less serious if electricity is saved effectively, said Nguyen Cao Ky, deputy director of Khanh Hoa Power Joint Stock Company.

Under Directive No. 171/CT-TTg by the Prime Minister instructing electricity saving Khanh Hoa Power Joint Stock Company set a target to save 5% of the commercial electricity, 10-15% electricity for production and trade and 3% of electricity for State organizations. Electricity saving and its measures also will be propagandized to the public.

Electricity saving is not difficult. To households, turning off a light on peak hours, choosing electric appliances with economy function and using sunlight and natural breeze instead of electric lights, fans and air-conditioners are some measures to save electricity effectively. Additionally, electric equipment with big power is urged not to be used on peak time and lights and signs for advertisement and decoration should  be turned off after midnight.

Saving electricity brings a big economy in production for businesses. For instance, Long Sinh Co., Ltd. has saved several billion VND each year by saving electricity. At the company, workshops are high and airy with transparent roofs and windows to take in the sunlight and cool breezes. In addition, the company has reasonable production schedules not to waste power.

By using electricity reasonably, Long Sinh Co., Ltd. saves a big sum of money every year.

“Other businesses should build up electricity saving plans. It’s very simple. They only need to rearrange lighting systems in their factory, rationalize producing process and upgrade technologies. Such ways may save 10 - 30% of the power”, said Nguyen Cao Ky.

In short, saving electricity is an effective way to decrease the current electricity shortage and save your money.