09:05, 16/05/2012

Nha Phu Tour attracts tourists

Nha Phu Tour by Long Phu Tourist with three destinations including Thi Island, Hoa Lan Stream and Monkey Island is a very interesting tour...

Nha Phu Tour by Long Phu Tourist with three destinations including Thi Island, Hoa Lan Stream and Monkey Island is a very interesting tour.

Nha Phu Swamp, 1,500 hectares, is a unique ecological area with sea, islands, mountains, forests and streams. In recent years, Long Phu Tourist Company has set up many tourist products in this area. Three-island tour to Nha Phu Swamp is one of the most attractive one now. The daily tour not only brings tourists close to nature but many entertainment activities. Booking this tour, tourists will be picked up in Nha Trang City and taken to wharf by high-class bus. From the wharf, tourists will travel to islands by boat.

Tourists visit Hoa Lan Stream
Tourists visit Hoa Lan Stream.


The first destination is Thi Island, which is wild with ostriches, spotted deers, and fruit gardens. Tourists can play and feed the animals and pick the fruits.

 The second one is Hoa Lan Stream. It’s a beautiful island with nice sea, a stream with orchids and interesting water sports. Tourists can relax in cottage umbrellas and have lunch with delicious dishes. Recently, Long Phu Tourist Company has opened paintball service here with professional firing range and 100 modern guns.

The last spot is Monkey Island where tourists can contemplate dog racing, prokart racing and go around the island by cart. Water sports like parasailing, jet ski, kayak and some others also are available here. Especially, diving to discover the ocean attracts a lot of tourists.

With the original landscapes and abundant services, tourist spots in Nha Phu Swamp have drawn a large number of visitors. Most tourists who took this tour like it.