04:10, 25/10/2012

Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse receives 3 tankers

Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse has received 3 tankers carrying more than 265,000 tons of DO oil from Korea and Kuwait. Two importers Petrolimex Vietnam and Petrolimex Singapore/Itochu have launched 218,000 tons of oil to the domestic market...


Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse
Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse


Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse has received 3 tankers carrying more than 265,000 tons of DO oil from Korea and Kuwait . Two importers Petrolimex Vietnam and Petrolimex Singapore/Itochu have launched 218,000 tons of oil to the domestic market.

Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse is the first one in the country having a capacity of 515,000m3. At present, it’s operating with a capacity of 40%.