11:03, 29/03/2013

VND20,650b in 3-month total sales

Khanh Hoa Province’s total sales of products and services in the first quarter have reached VND20,650 billion, rising by 8.5% year-on-year...

Khanh Hoa Province’s total sales of products and services in the first quarter have reached VND20,650 billion, rising by 8.5% year-on-year. Some enterprise with high sales are Sabeco Southern Central JSC, Khatoco Khanh Hoa Trading Limited Company, Phu Khanh Petroleum , Khanh Hoa Telecommunications and Khanh Hoa Lottery Limited Company.


Of the figure, the retail sales made up VND11,750 billion, increasing by 12% year-on-year.