Starting from June, 2011, installation of GPS-connected transceivers named Vertex Standard VX-1700 has partly supported fishermen in fishing...
Starting from June, 2011, installation of GPS-connected transceivers named Vertex Standard VX-1700 has partly supported fishermen in fishing.
. Fishermen feel secure when fishing offshore
Tran Van Dat who is a fishermen in Hon Ro, Nha Trang owning two boats just installed VX-1700 transceivers under the support of the Government, says that the machines work well in a distance up to 500 nautical miles. Since his boats were installed VX-1700 machines, he has used them to connect with Fishery Exploitation and Protection Agency every time before heading to the sea, when reaching fishing grounds and before returning to the land.
The transceiver also is useful for boats to connect and support each other when meeting problems on sea. Beside transmitting and receiving information, a VX-1700 machine can locate boat.
Circumstance of fishermen Cao Van Tho’s boat was an example. When his boat’s engine broke down offshore while fishing, he used the machine to ask for help from the Fishery Exploitation and Protection Agency and other boats, and then his boat was saved opportunely.
During the two recent storms, thanks to the GPS-connected transceivers, the Fishery Exploitation and Protection Agency could keep in touch with fishing boats, locate them and support them in coping with the storms.
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. Effective policy
According to Vo Khac En, under the Decision 48/2010/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister, Khanh Hoa has developed VX-1700 installation for fishing boats since June 11. Up to now, 220 out of 418 boats in the province have got the machines which are worth VND28 million each, funded wholly by the government.
A VX-1700 machine has a capacity of 125W and can communicate in 500 nautical miles. It’s small and simple to use.
“GPS-connected VX-1700 transceivers not only have supported fishermen and made them feel secure about fishing but have helped the fishery authority to manage fishing boats effectively as well", En added.