08:12, 02/12/2013

Gas price increases by VND78,000/12-kg tank

Gas price on December 1 made a record rise of VND78,000 per kilogram. Gas retail price is between VND470,000 – VND500.000/12kg tank...

Gas price on December 1 made a record rise of VND78,000 per kilogram. Gas retail price is between VND470,000 – VND500.000/12kg tank.

According to director of Petrovietnam Southern Gas Joint Stock Company – Khanh Hoa Branch Hoang Thanh Van, the reason is the sharp increase by USD267.5/ton to USD1,162.5/ton in December gas import price. In Khanh Hoa Province, a 12-kg  tank of Petrovietnam gas is priced not over VND489,000.