01:06, 03/06/2014

Khanh Hoa, land of Australian mangoes in Vietnam

Australian mangoes have been grown well in Khanh Hoa Province, becoming a favorite specialty of tourists when traveling to Nha Trang...

Australian mangoes have been grown well in Khanh Hoa Province, becoming a favorite specialty of tourists when traveling to Nha Trang.

The mango kind is a variety called R2E2 originating from Australia. It is large (600g – 1.6kg) round mangoes with firm lemon-yellow flesh which has a sweet, mild flavor and deep orange skin tinged with an orange-red blush. The mangoes are so good-looking that some tourists think that they are imported from China. Actually, Australian mango trees have been grown in a large area in Khanh Hoa Province, especially in Cam Lam District.

Australian mangoes sold in Cam Lam District.
Australian mangoes sold in Cam Lam District.


Ripen Australian mangoes.
Ripe Australian mangoes

Coming to the mango garden of the High-tech Agriculture Center in Cam Lam District in the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development one summer day, we saw trees laden with big mangoes. These Australian mangoes are in a bumper crop. According to the garden’s manager, named Trang To Huu, this 13-hectare garden gives nearly 200 tons of Australian mangoes this season. There’s averagely 70 mangoes on each tree. Their wholesale price is about VND30,000/kg. Most of the Australian mangoes here are for export while the others are sold locally.

The High-tech Agriculture Center in Cam Lam District is the only one in the country Australia-based EMU Vietnam Limited Company has chosen for experimentally growing Australian mango trees. Researches show that the Mangiferaindica (R2E2) variety is suitable with the local conditions. Up to now, this mango variety has been developed in some other provinces, including Dong Nai and Tien Giang, but Khanh Hoa still has the largest planting area.

Australian mangoes in Cam Lam District

“In Vietnam, Khanh Hoa is the land of Australian mangoes with a total planting tree of over 800 hectares, mostly in Cam Lam District, Cam Ranh City and Khanh Vinh District. Australian mangoes grown in the province now have been exported to Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Russia, Germany and some other countries”, affirmed Mai Xuan Thuong, director of the center.