11:08, 05/08/2014

Industry and trade cooperation in region of Central Coast and Highlands

Industrial production and trade of 15 provinces and cities in the region of Central Coast and Highlands in 2013 and the first half of 2014 still showed good growth rates despite impacts by the global economic downturn...

Industrial production and trade of 15 provinces and cities in the region of Central Coast and Highlands in 2013 and the first half of 2014 still showed good growth rates despite impacts by the global economic downturn.


Average Industrial Production Index (IPI) of the region in the first six months of 2014 rose by 9.56% while the rise of the whole country was 5.8%. Some provinces in the region making the bigger increase in IPI than the country’s figure were Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Lam Dong, Gia Lai and Quang Nam.


Additionally, total retail goods and service sales of the region reached 224,505 billion, a 8.38% rise year-on-year. Export turnover hit USD3,737.68 million, making up 5.27% of the country’s figure and increasing by 12.88% year-on-year. Some provinces having higher growth rate than the figure 14.9% of the whole country were Gia Lai, Lam Dong, Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam.


In Khanh Hoa Province, IPI in the first half of 2014 made a 7% rise year-on-year. Some industries with remarkable rises were processing – manufacture, production and distribution of electricity, fuels and hot water. Especially, the situation is expected to better as Hyundai VinaShin Shipyard Limited Company has sped up building 10 ships of 2013 and started building 4 others whose contracts are signed in 2014.


At Hyunhdai Vinashin
At Hyunhdai Vinashin.


Since Industry and Trade Conference of 15 provinces and cities in the Coast Central and the Highlands held in Kon Tum in July, 2013, cooperation among the provinces and cities has been strengthened more. Specifically, industry and trade departments of the provinces and cities have exchanged information about the State management and industrial activities through periodical reports. More fairs have been organized such as Industry and Trade Fair for the Southern Central Coast 2013 in Khanh Hoa, Industry and Trade Fair for the Central and the Highlands 2013 in Ninh Thuan and Industry and Trade Exhibition for the Southern Central Coast 2013 in Phu Yen.


In addition, the departments of industry and trade also joined fairs of other regions in the country, exchanged information on goods supply and demand, prices and launched products into supermakets and malls.


Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Le Duong Quang, emphasized at Industry and Trade Conference of 15 provinces and cities in the Coast Central and the Highlands held in Nha Trang recently, “In the coming time, 15 provinces and cities in the Central Coast and the Highlands need more cooperation in industry and trade to develop the whole region and uphold advantages of each province and city.”