03:08, 02/08/2015

Mobilizing traders to sign commitment

Over the past time, Khanh Hoa Provincial Market Control Department has forwarded propagandizing and signing commitment traders...

Over the past time, Khanh Hoa Provincial Market Control Department has forwarded propagandizing and signing commitment traders.


The signed commitment requires traders to sell goods with clear origin, not to sell smuggled goods, forbidden goods, fake goods as well as goods violating intellectual property right. The commitment signers also have to declare prices and sell at posted prices. According to Head of the provincial Market Control Department Pham Huu Thu, “Propaganda and mobilization for signing the commitment were made comprehensively in forms suitable with local reality. Up to now, 2,681 traders in the whole province have signed the commitment. In addional, the department has issued 5,000 leaflets against smuggling, fraud and counterfeit to businesses.


Vận động tiểu thương ký cam kết
Market control force inspect a store which has signed commitment.


Managements of markets also have contributed in mobilizing traders to sign the commitment. Phan Hanh, an official of Xom Moi Market Management, said, “Most of the traders have a lot of sympathy for the policy and willingly signed the commitment. The market management also often warn to traders to do business legally.”


As surveyed, many traders have tried to implement the commitment. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, a seller at Dam Market, said that after being propagandized about principals on rejecting imitations and counterfeits and campaign for Vietnamese people to use Vietnamese goods, traders at the market have obeyed well.


In general, the propaganda have made active effects on production and business in the province. The trade has got better and violations about transport and trade of forbidden goods, smuggled goods and fake goods despite the fact that there have been some violations. In the coming time, the provincial Market Control Department continues to propagandize traders to sign the commitment and intensify inspection and punishment.



Translated by T.T