09:09, 07/09/2015

Cam Phuc Bac Industrial Group in progress

Cam Ranh City People's Committee (Khanh Hoa Province) is complying with formalities to establish industrial group in Cam Phuc Bac Ward...

Cam Ranh City People’s Committee (Khanh Hoa Province) is complying with formalities to establish industrial group in Cam Phuc Bac Ward.


Being prepared urgently



According to the Cam Ranh City People’s Committee, in 2007, the provincial People’s Comiitee delivered a decision adopting the retail planning of Northern Cam Ranh Industrial Zone covering 140 hectares in total area situated at two wards of Cam Phuc Bac and Cam Phuc Nam. In October 20112, the provincial People’s Comiitee asked the Prime Minister’s permission not to continue this planning to reserve land for developing industry in the south of Cam Ranh.



On July 2, the provincial People’s Comiitee suggested the Cam Ranh City People’s Committee to choose the location to set up an industrial group in Cam Phuc Bac Ward. Up to now, the Economic Department of Cam Ranh City has completed the document on the establishment of the industrial group and sent it to the provincial Deparment of Industry and Trade.



According to Tran Minh Hai, head of Cam Ranh City Economic Department, the industrial group will be located to the southern west of the ward in an unevan terrain for agricultural production. The area has neither houses nor construction works, which is an advatange for ground clearance. The project is 1 kilometer from the National Way 1A, 9 kilometers from Cam Ranh Port and near Cam Ranh Vocational School, which is favorable for human resource training for businesses in the industrial group.



Cam Phuc Bac Industrial Group needs an investment of VND173.4 billion, including VND20 billion for ground clearance, calculated the Economic Department of Cam Ranh City. After going through the provincial Department of Industry and Trade, the project will be submited to the provincial People’s Committee. If being ratified, the investment in its infrastructures will be done soon.


Area for Cam Phuc Bac Industrial Group construction
Area for Cam Phuc Bac Industrial Group construction



Expected to contribute to Cam Ranh City’s development



Cam Phuc Bac Industrial Group is planned to feature a 31.5 ha area for factories, a 0.55ha area for service operation center, 4.95ha for green trees, 6 ha for traffic, warehouses and stations, etc.



The 31.5ha are for factories is planned to divided into sectors such as sector for process and preservation of farm,  forest and fishery products, sector for electricity, electronics, computing, telecommunications and optical devices, sector for chemical and pharmaceutical products, sector for textile garment, and sector for supporting industries.



“Despite not being near any residential areas, Cam Phuc Bac Industrial Group gives priority only to non polluting industries”, Hai said.



Vice-chairman of Cam Ranh City People’s Committee Nguyen Ngoc Son expects that the operation of Cam Phuc Bac Industrial Group will impulse the development of Cam Ranh City. Beside create more jobs, raising income for laborers and living standards for the locals, the industrial group is also expected to partly step up the regional economy as well as urbanization rate of Cam Ranh City, solve output for local farm products, etc.



Nhat Thanh

Translated by T.T