09:12, 30/12/2015

Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company develops totally over 25 years

Over 25 years of building and development, Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company has developed more firmly, confirming its trademark in the country and abroad...

Over 25 years of building and development, Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company has developed more firmly, confirming its trademark in the country and abroad.
Outstanding growth

Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company was established on November 9, 1990. The company’s main functions are managing, exploiting and trading salangane nest products. This was the first company directly administered provincial People’s Committee in the country. Firstly, the company managed and protected 8 bird island with 40 bird cages on Nha Trang Bay. Up to now, the company has expanded to 26 subordinate units and 3 member joint stock companies, managed and protected 32 bird islands with 169 bird cages spreading more than 100 kilometers from Van Ninh District to Cam Ranh City, getting the largest natural nest output collected on island in Asia.


Central senior mission visiting Salangane Nest Material Processing Factory
Central senior mission visiting Salangane Nest Material Processing Factory


Salangane nest output depends on many factors like climate, weather, food for birds, etc. The company has carried out technical measures to support bird community such as building steaming system, creating food source for birds, building storage dams, building shelters for birds in winter, making lean-tos, etc. The measures have shown efficiency, raising output and quality of salangane nests taken from islands as well as developing new bird cages and islands.

In trading, Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Company met drastic competition with other nest products in the country as well as imported from Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. However, the company has overcome difficulties and fulfilled targets. The bird nest output rose from 1,531 kilograms to 3,380 kilograms in 2014 and 3,401 kilograms in 2015. In 2015, the total turnover of the company has is estimated to be VND4,500 billion, increasing by 1,700 times over that in 1991. Its staff have also gone up from 87 in 1991 to 5,212 now and their average income has risen from VND315,000/person/month to over VND8 million/person/month now.


Party Congress of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company held successfully in 2015
Party Congress of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company held successfully in 2015


The company now has created 36 kinds of products from bird nests and popularized nutrition values of bird nests to the public as well as raising health for consumers. The company has stepped up trading across the country and 21 countries and territories with many showrooms in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the US, Japan, Australia, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, etc.


Processing salangane nests
Processing salangane nests


Upholding cultural values and tradition of salangane nest industry
With a desire to inherit and uphold cultural values as well as maintain and develop salangane nest industry in Khanh Hoa sustainably, the company annually holds Salangane Nest Festival in the tenth day of the fifth lunar month. This is an occasion for the company staff over generations to meet and review the tradition of salangane nest industry and exchange experience for a solidarity in the whole salangane nest industry.

According to Le Huu Hoang, general director of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company, all the staff of the company are always aware of responsibility in protecting the trademark value as well as the prestige for the company.


General Director of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nests Company Le Huu Hoang offering gifts to poor people.
Khanh Hoa Salangane Nest trademark has gradually confirmed its position, become a well-known trademark in Vietnamese and Asian communities in the world, and created the foundation for branch brand names like Sanest, Sanna, Sanatech, Sanest Tourist, Sanest Foods, etc.
”We also appreciate business culture as a basis for a sustainable development. Therefore, we respect the tradition of salangane nest industry and appreciate people who use to work for the company. It’s the culture of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nest”, Hoang said.
Nhat Thanh
Translated by T.T