04:01, 12/01/2017

Khanh Vinh prepares goods for Tet

8 stores of Khanh Vinh District (Khanh Hoa Province) Trade Service Center now have started selling products for Tet.

8 stores of Khanh Vinh District (Khanh Hoa Province) Trade Service Center now have started selling products for Tet.

Phan Le Thu, a seller of Khanh Binh store, said that the store has put in 6 necessary products, including rice, sticky rice, cooking oil, seasoning powder, fish sauce and watermelon seeds. Prices at the store are 5% - 10% lower than market prices.


At Khanh Trung store, products for Tet have been available on shelves. Tach Thi Van Anh, a seller of the store said that the store has put in the products from the early month, including 14 tons of rice, 0.2 tons of sticky rice, 12 boxes of fish sauce, 17 boxes of cooking oil, 15 boxes of seasoning powder, and 10 kilograms of watermelon seeds. However, current purchase power is still low.


Products for Tet available at Khanh Binh store
Products for Tet available at Khanh Binh store


According to the leadership of Khanh Vinh Trade Service Center, to prepare goods for local people on Tet, the center has advanced the provincial State budget VND2.4 billion to stock goods, including VND1.4 billion for products with stabilized prices for Tet and VND1 billion to purchase farm products for locals. In addition, the center has also reserved some kinds of products like beer, soft drinks, etc with total worth of VND0.5 billion.


At present, 8 stores of Khanh Vinh Trade Service Center, namely Khanh Binh, Khanh Hiep, Khanh Trung, Khanh Thanh, Khanh Phu, Khanh Thuong, Lien Sang and Khanh Vinh have announcement of stabilized prices and the policy on farm product purchase. Beside this, the center will launch two mobile sales at two communes Khanh Phu and Khanh Thuong on January 25 and 26. The center has also sent supervisors to the stores to ensure sales and prices.


According to Khanh Vinh Trade Service Center Nguyen Van Chinh, purchase power is still low now because the locals’ income from farm products has been influenced by droughts and floods in the year. The purchase is expected to rise more when Tet comes nearer.



Translated by T.T