04:04, 24/04/2017

Brand name of Cam Lam mangoes certificated

Recently, the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam has certificated brand name Xoai Cam Lam (Cam Lam mango) for three kinds of mangoes in Cam Lam District, including Hoa Loc mangoes, Australian mangoes and Canh Nong mangoes.

Recently, the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam has certificated brand name Xoai Cam Lam (Cam Lam mango) for three kinds of mangoes in Cam Lam District, including Hoa Loc mangoes, Australian mangoes and Canh Nong mangoes.
Cam Lam District is suitable for growing mangoes, and in reality, the district has been a land of mangoes in Khanh Hoa Province. Improvement in planting has enabled farmers to grow many kinds of good-quality mangoes like Hoa Loc mango, Australian mango, etc. The mangoes of Cam Lam have been exported to many countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, etc. Products from mangoes like mango cake, mango jam, etc. are also favorite.
At present, Cam Lam District has more than 4,700 hectares of mangoes, making up 60% of the total areas of mangoes in the province. With the productivity of 7 tons/hectare/crop and average price of VND30,000/kg, growers can earn VND150 – 180 million/hectare, particularly some earn over VND300/million/hectare. 


Logo of Cam Lam mangoes
Logo of Cam Lam mangoes
Since 2013, Cam Lam District has developed the project Building, managing and developing brand name “Xoai Cam Lam” to three kinds of mangoes, including Australian mangoes, Hoa Loc sweet mangoes, and Canh Nong mangoes, which are grown and harvested in the district. In April, 2016, the National Office of Intellectual Property certificated the brand name. In June, 2016, the district gave training about the process of managing, issuing and using Cam Lam Mango brand name stamps for the local growers. As an experiment, the project supplied 200 stamps for 8 mango growers to stick on their mangoes, signboards with the certificated brand name for 2 mango sellers, and 5 booths with the certificated brand name along the National Road 1. In end December, 2016, the provincial Council of Science and Technology checked and took over the project. On April 5, Cam Lam District officially announced the certificated brand name “Xoai Cam Lam”.
Besides, 52 mango growers in 12 communes and township of the district have registered to use the certificated brand name. These growers have to follow the process of growing, harvesting and preserve mangoes, use Xoai Cam Lam brand name on the three kinds of certificated mangoes, not to let other people use the brand name, and pay fee for using the brand name. Diep The Thanh - Chairman of Mango Growers’ Association in Cam Lam, said that the brand name users will exchange and support each other about experience and techniques in growing mangoes and then guide other growers towards production in VietGAP.  
In the future, Cam Lam District People’s Committee will establish Management board of Xoai Cam Lam brand name. The district also will control mangoes’ quality strictly. More classes to train mango growing will be opened to improve products’ quality.
Tieu Mai – Kim Nguyen
Translated by T.T