11:07, 31/07/2017

Looking for output for gulfweed

Vinh Tho is intensifying combination with businesses to find output for products of seaweed.

Vinh Tho Ward s intensifying combination with businesses to find output for products of gulfweed.

This time is the harvest crop of gulfweed. Vinh Tho Ward is a place where many fishermen are exploiting this kind of weed. The ground near Hon Do has become a place where people put gulfweed to air.

A woman named Dang Thi Thu said that gulfweed has brought main income for her family for several years for many years. Every day, her family puts boat to sea, then dives to fish gulfweed out. After that, they take the gulfweed ashore, dry them and sell them to magnates. Gulfweed price is from VND6,000 to VND8,000/kg.


Gulfweed being dried
Gulfweed being dried
According to Nguyen Van Tinh, chairman of Vinh Tho Ward Farmers’ Association, to help gulfweed price stable, the ward has linked with businesses to purchase gulfweed. The ward People’s Committee established two cooperative groups of fishing and preserving gulfweed in May, 2017 in associate with two purchasing businesses, namely Au Viet Co., Ltd. and FUCOIDAN Vietnam Joint Stock Company. The group features 21 members operating according to regulations, mobilizing fishermen to exploit and subject gulfweed to preliminary treatment in accordance with the businesses’ process to create good-quality products. The ward also has called fishermen to dry gulfweed on bamboo grids to ensure food safety.
Being supported VND200 million by the Global Environment Fund via the project to preserve and develop the inshore marine ecosystem, the cooperative group is planning to buy a boat with capacity of 3 - 4 tons worth VND140 million to exploit and transport gulfweed and reserve VND60 million as working capital.
Two above businesses have agreed to purchase gulfweed with the price VND2,000/kg higher than the market price in case gulfweed is clean and dried 80%. The businesses will also supply packing and committee a stable purchase.
Translated by T.T