11:08, 29/08/2017

Supporting agricultural production towards high-value farm products

Khanh Hoa Province People's Committee has decided to support over VND14 billion for localities to transfer kinds of plants and animals according to the policy to support agricultural production and rural services.

Khanh Hoa Province People's Committee has decided to support over VND14 billion for localities to transfer kinds of plants and animals according to the policy to support agricultural production and rural services.
On March 3, 2017, Khanh Hoa Province People's Committee delivered Decision 661 on regulations on implementing support policy for agricultural prduction and rural services in the province for the period of 2017 - 2020. The decision aims to encourage and support organizations and individuals taking part in developing agriculture, fishery, salt working, processing, farm product sale and other rural industries in the province. Seven supported field groups are plant transferring; production cooperation, big fields; high technology application, concentrated livestock breeding; slaughter areas, salt working and rural industries.
Basing on this policy as well as real demand, localities made plan to support their farming and rural services. The provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development collected demands of localities and consulted the provincial People's Committee to decide the support.


Harvesting purple sugarcane in Khanh Son
Harvesting purple sugarcane in Khanh Son
On August 7, 2017, the provincial People's Committee delivered a decision to add more VND14 billion to support agriculture in localities in 2017. Then, Khanh Son was given an financial aid of VND7.4 billion; Khanh Vinh: VND2.2 billion; Cam Ranh, Dien Khanh, Ninh Hoa and Van Ninh: VND85 million - VND1.3 billion. Most of the supported expenditure (VND12.869 billion) was for plant transferring; VND700 million was for concentrated livestock breeding; and VND450 million was for farming linked with farm product sale.
Among supported localities, Khanh Son District was given the biggest support. According to Nguyen Ngoc Hieu, head of the district Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the district sets target to transfer over 228 hectares of plants in 2017, with total expenditure of VND17.6 billion, including VND7.4 billion supported by the State and the rest mobilized from the people. The money is used to buy seeders, fertilizers, plant protection products. Especially, when transferring to kinds of plants with higher economic value, it requires not only suitable soil, climate, seeders, fertilizers, but suitable waterring systems. Therefore, the district will reserve VND7 billion out of VND17 billion for its watering system.
According the leadership of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, under Decision 661 of the provincial People’s Committee, the province’s target in 2017 is transfering plants on 500 hectares, and breeding about 50,000 pigs, cows and chickens in concentrated form. Total expenditure for this target is estimated to be nearly VND33 billion, VND17 billion of which is funded by the State budget.
Translated by T.T