04:09, 06/09/2017

CPI in August rises by 1.04%

According to Khanh Hoa Province Statistics Department, Consumer Product Index (CPI) in August rose by 1.04% over that in July and by 3.22% year-on-year.

According to Khanh Hoa Province Statistics Department, Consumer Product Index (CPI) in August rose by 1.04% over that in July and by 3.22% year-on-year.
5 groups of goods and services had increase in CPI, including dining out food and services (1.03%), housing and building materials (0.45% up), medicine and health services (10.26% up), traffic (2.53% up), other goods and services (0.01%). Group of culture, entertainment and tourism decreased by 0.01% in CPI.
Groups of beverage - tobacco, textile - headwear - footwear, home appliance, post - telecommunications, and education have no change in price.
Tam Dung
Translated by T.T