02:09, 18/09/2017

Credit rises by over 18%

According to Khanh Hoa Branch of the State Bank, banking of the province made a good growth during the past 8 months of 2017. 

According to Khanh Hoa Branch of the State Bank, banking of the province made a good growth during the past 8 months of 2017. In end August, deposit totaled VND70,204 billion, increasing by 10.29% over the figure in the beginning of the year. Credit balance was VND60,863 billion, rising by VND18.05%.
At present, deposit interest rates in VND for under 1 month terms range from 0.3% - 1%/year; 1-6 month terms: 4.3% - 5.5%/year; 6-12 month terms: 5.3% - 6.8%/year; over 12 month terms: 6.5% - 7.6%/year. Deposit interest rate in USD is 0%/year.
VND lending interest rates for priorities range 4.8% - 6.5%/year to short terms, 7% - 10.5%/year to medium and long terms. Lending interest rates for other production and business fields are VND7.5% - 9%/year to short terms, 9.3% - 11.5%/year to medium and long terms.  USD lending interest rates range from VND2.5% to 4%/year to short terms, 3% - 6.5%/year to medium and long terms.
Khanh Tam
Translated by T.T