02:09, 30/09/2017

Many measures to increase forest cover

Forest cover of at least 47.5% is one of the targets in Resolution of the 12th Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Assembly, term of 2015 -2020.

Forest cover of at least 47.5% is one of the targets in Resolution of the 12th Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Assembly, term of 2015 -2020. For this target, the local authorities have intensified measures to increase forest cover.

Forest cover rate of the whole Khanh Hoa Province reached 46%, acccording to an inventory in end 2016. Localities having high forest cover rate were Khanh Vinh District (77.9%), Khanh Son District (62.3%), Van Ninh District (51.6%), and Cam Lam District (47.3).

According to Le Thanh Hoa, head of Khanh Vinh District Forest Managemen, forest cover of the district in 2016 was 77.9%, increasing by 2.9% over 2015. This was the highest forest rate in the province. This reason was owning to the better forest management and protection.


A view of forests in Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province
A view of forests in Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province
Bui Duc Luyen, head of Khanh Son District Forest Management also said that the district has protected forests well, especially prevent forest fire. In addition, forest expansion, especially forest growing has done well, which has raised the district’s forest cover to 62.3%.
According to Nguyen Khuong, head of the provincial Forest Management, there are many reasons for the increase in the forest cover rate in recent time, those are the closure of natural forests under the order of the Prime Minister, forest protection, deforestration prevention, forest growing, etc.
To keep and increase the forest cover in Khanh Hoa Province, the provincial Forest Management has directed subordinate forest managements to carry out the above measures.
Bich La
Translated by T.T