01:09, 07/09/2017

Khanh Hoa sows over 19,000 hectares of summer - autumn rice crop

The whole Khanh Hoa Province has sowed 19,133.5 hectares of summer - autumn rice crop, increasing by 41.24% over the previous crop.

The whole Khanh Hoa Province has sowed 19,133.5 hectares of summer - autumn rice crop, increasing by 41.24% over the previous crop.
Total sowing area of annual plants from the winter – spring crop of 2016 – 2017 up to now has been 72,700 hectares, fulfilling 91.1% of the year’s target.
In comparison with the same period last year, total sowing area of the province has made a 6.34% increase.
Translated by T.T