01:10, 19/10/2017

Flower price rising sharply

The Vietnamese Women's Day (October 20) is coming, flower price in Nha Trang is rising sharply. Flower shops in Nha Trang said that flowers have increased two of three folds for several days. 

The Vietnamese Women’s Day (October 20) is coming, flower price in Nha Trang is rising sharply. Flower shops in Nha Trang said that flowers have increased two of three folds for several days. 
A rose is selling at VND15,000 – VND20,000 (VND3,000 – VND5,000 normally). A basket of arranged flowers costs VND120,000 – VND700,000. The rainy weather also accounts for the increase in flower price. Flower price may rise more in October 20.


A man buying flowers
A man buying flowers
Some shops have strange flower baskets, for example flowers mixed with fruits, lotus support covered with silver, etc.
Translated by T.T