07:10, 28/10/2017

Khanh Hoa Lottery Co., Ltd. excellent in State budget delivery

For many years, Khanh Hoa Lottery Co., Ltd. has been one of companies overcoming difficulties to fulfill State budget delivering targets. 

For many years, Khanh Hoa Lottery Co., Ltd. has been one of companies overcoming difficulties to fulfill State budget delivering targets. 
In the 5-year period of 2012 - 2017, overcoming difficulties, Khanh Hoa has been one of 14 provinces with highest revenue from lottery. The company fulfilled target delivery to the State budget every year. In 2016, despite the competition of lottery from the south and computerized lottery Vietlott, the company fulfilled the year’s target and delivered VND203 billion to the State budget. In the first nine months of 2017, delivering over VND113 billion to the State budget, the company was one of 17 businesses commended and rewarded by the provincial Department of Finance and the provincial Tax Department.
Beside this, the company always gives care to its staff, making their living stable, then impulsing their working to contribute into the company’s operation.


Khanh Hoa Lottery Co., Ltd. gives house to poor family in Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province.
Khanh Hoa Lottery Co., Ltd. gives house to poor family in Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province.
Khanh Hoa Lottery Co., Ltd. is also a leading one in social and charitable activities. The company has built charity houses; given presents to families of social welfare, the elder; supported revolutionary families, charity kitchen in Khanh Hoa Province General Hospital and some other hospitals, etc. The company also supported activities of the province’s retiring club, charitable fund of Lao Dong Newspaper, study encouragement funds, etc. Particularly in 2016, the company spent VND2.5 billion for chariatable and social activities, VND1.7 billion out of which was for building 43 chariable houses in 8 districts, towns and cities in the province. In 2017, the company plans a sililar sum of moner for chariatable and social activities, including building 5 chariable houses worth VND40 million each…
About the company’s orientation, its Chairman and CEO Vo Ngoc Tam said that the company will try to keep its current market share and expand markets to increase turnover.
Nam Du
Translated by T.T