02:10, 26/10/2017

Khanh Hoa Province pushes up attracting investment

People's Committee of Khanh Hoa Province considers improving business  environment as a key duty to develop the province's economy. Therefore, the province has offered preferential policies to attract investors.

People’s Committee of Khanh Hoa Province considers improving business  environment as a key duty to develop the province’s economy. Therefore, the province has offered preferential policies to attract investors.
Focusing on  calling for investment 
At present, the provincial People’s Committee is focusing on calling foreign investors with capacity, experience and finance to pour in the special administrative economic zone Northern Van Phong after this project is adopted by the Central. In addition, the province has stepped up drawing large-scale projects related to marine economy to the south of Van Phong Economic Zone such as Ninh Hai industrial complex, Southern Van Phong oil refinery, Van Phong 2 thermal power factory, Van Phong 3 thermal power factory, secondary projects in Ninh Thuy Industrial Zone, etc.
The leadership of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has studied and surveyed foreign markets to call for investment in key projects investors give care to. Besides, database to serve investment promotion have been set up by updating tendencies and policies on socioeconomic development in fields of the province on websites of People’s Committee of the province and districts as well as departments of the province.


Mechanic production at a FDI business in Suoi Dau Industrial Zone
Mechanic production at a FDI business in Suoi Dau Industrial Zone
According to Tran Hoa Nam, director of the provincial Department of Planning and Investment, the list of projects calling for non-State investment in the period of 2017 – 2020 has been ratified by the provincial People’s Committee. The provincial Center for Investment Encouragement and Business Support has made publications and document to introduce about policies, potentials as well as investment opportunities at conferences and meeting between the provincial People’s Committee and embassies, consulates, commercial counsellors, etc of foreign countries. So far this year, the center has also organized 4 business administration classes with the participations of 200 businesses.
Efforts in administrative procedure reform
According to Vice-chairman of the provincial Pernament People’s Committee Tran Son Hai, beside measures to attract investment, departments of the province have checked and reduced administrative formalities. Then, time to deal registration application, adjustment in investment certificate, land use right certificate, land lease, etc. has been shortened. 
The provincial Department of Planning and Investment has also guided administrative formalities specifically on its website (http://skhdt.khanhhoa.gov.vn/) for all individuals and organizations to see and load. 
In general, the authority of Khanh Hoa Province tries to build an investment environment where policies and planning of the province are  united, public and clear, intensifies the cooperation between the authority and businesses via talk events to solve difficulties for businesses in developing projects…
Van Ky
Translated by T.T