11:11, 30/11/2017

E5 bio-fuel to completely replace RON 92 petrol in end December

Under the regulation by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, RON 92 petrol will be completely replaced by E5 bio-fuel from January 1, 2018. Petroleum businesses in Khanh Hoa Province are expected to implement it little sooner than the fixed time.

Under the regulation by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, RON 92 petrol will be completely replaced by E5 bio-fuel from January 1, 2018. Petroleum businesses in Khanh Hoa Province are expected to implement it little sooner than the fixed time.
Preparations have been done
To implement the direction of the Government, in year-end months of 2017, petroleum businesses in Khanh Hoa Province have made preparations in facilities and supply. According to Nguyen Hong Thang - deputy director of Military Petroleum Company Region 3, previously, the company had to mix E5 bio-fuel by hand, but now the company has E5 bio-fuel mixing system at Ba Ngoi Port, Cam Ranh City and will do mixing in early December. The company also has directed its petrol stations and agents to clean up tanks and check to satisfy requirements to change into E5 bio-fuel. The company has 7 petrol stations, 10 agents and 2 distributors.
According to representative of Phu Khanh Petroleum Company, because E5 bio-fuel has different features from gasoline, the company has upgraded facilities of tanks, mixing system, transport vehicles and stations. The company is improving technololies and cleaning up tanks in Vinh Nguyen petroleum warehouse… Phu Khanh Petroleum has 37 petrol stations and some distributors.


No more selling RON 92 petrol in December
From December 15, Petrolimex will sell E5 bio-fuel at all its petrol stations. Till December 25, all the petrol stations will stop selling RON 92 petrol. Besides, the company has also prepared more RON 95 petrol in case demand for this kind of petrol rises sharply when RON 92 petrol isn’t sold anymore. 
Military Petroleum Company Region 3 will replace RON 92 petrol with E5 bio-fuel 10 – 15 days in advance the time set by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. From December 15 – 20, the company will do it at all filling stations.
In the view of businesses, in recent time, consumers use E5 bio-fuel more than previous time. Phu Khanh Petroleum Company sells out about 100,000 liter each month. Military Petroleum Company Region 3 also sold about 8.3m3 of E5 bio-fuel from January to October, 2017. Price of E5 bio-fuel is VND200 – 300/liter lower than RON 92 petrol, but VND1,000/liter lower than RON 95 petrol. When RON 92 gasoline isn’t sold anymore, more people are expected to choose E5 bio-fuel.
Consumers can fill E5 bio-fuel into their vehicles even when their tanker has RON 92 petrol left because E5 bio-fuel is a mixture of RON 92 gasoline and bio-alcohol.
Mai Hoang
Translated by T.T