Supermarkets in Nha Trang have announced to increase opening hours to serve the high shopping demand on the occasion of the Lunar New Year Festival 2018.
Supermarkets in Nha Trang have announced to increase opening hours to serve the high shopping demand on the occasion of the Lunar New Year Festival 2018.
From the 27th day to the 29th of the last lunar month (February 12 – February 14), Lotte Mart Nha Trang will open from 7 am to 11 pm. On the last day of the lunar year (February 15), the supermarket will open till 4 pm. Then, the supermarket will re-open at 10 pm, on the 2nd day of the lunar new year (February 17).
Co.opmart Nha Trang opens 7:30 am - 10 pm from now to February 14. On February 15, the supermarket will close at 5 pm. The supermarket will reopen on the 4th day of the lunar new year (February 19).
Big C Nha Trang will open 7:30 am – 22:30 till February 13, 6:00 am – 11 pm on February 14, 6:00 am – 12 am on February 15. This supermarket will reopen on the 3rd day of the lunar new year (February 17).
Translated by T.T