11:04, 29/04/2018

Upholding value of Cam Lam Mango trademark

Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa Province is developing a plan to protect and uphold value of Cam Lam Mango trademark which was announced in April, 2017.

Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa Province is developing a plan to protect and uphold value of Cam Lam Mango trademark which was announced in April, 2017.
According to leadership of the mango growing association in Cam Lam District, the association has joined by 57 mango growers in 14 communes and township of the district. 25 members are from Cam Hai Tay Commune, the main mango growing area of the district. The association has been granted seal to do transaction and develop the trademark.
Diep The Thanh, chairman of the association, said that the association is attending to marketing and sales for Cam Lam mangoes. The association has signed a contract with Van Huong Co., Ltd. based in Nha Trang. The company will purchase mangoes at  price 15 – 20% higher than the market price. The company has exported mangoes to many countries like New Zealand, Australia, Japan, etc. and the US in the future. The association has also met some companies like Chanh Thi Co., Ltd. in Ben Tre Province and Thanh Trung Co., Ltd. in Ho Chi Minh to expand sales for Cam Lam mangoes.


Farmer in Cam Hai Tay Commune, Cam Lam District taking care of mangoes.
Farmer in Cam Hai Tay Commune, Cam Lam District taking care of mangoes.

The association has pasted stamps on mangoes of 6 growing houses as a model. The association has called growers to use plant protection products rightly and not to use chemicals for plants. At present, purchasers suggest growers wrapping mangoes to ensure their quality and appearance. Recently, the provincial Agriculture Encouragement Center supplied 200 Japanese bags to wrap fruits for the district as an experiment.

According to Nguyen Huu Hao, chairman of Cam Lam District People’s Committee, the debut of Cam Lam Mango trademark is a start; preserving and upholding the trademark are needed to follow.

After announcing Cam Lam Mango trademark, Cam Lam District has set up the management board of Cam Lam Mango certificate, and launched the regulation on granting Cam Lam Mango trademark use right. The district also has made a plan to manage and develop the trademark. The management board is making the list of households joining the model to manage and develop the trademark.


Translated by T.T