11:05, 31/05/2018

Early seed sowing for summer – autumn rice crop

Farmers in Khanh Hoa Province have sowed summer autumn rice crop sooner to avoid the year-end rainy season  which is forecast to come sooner. 

Farmers in Khanh Hoa Province have sowed summer autumn rice crop sooner to avoid the year-end rainy season  which is forecast to come sooner. 
Harvest of the winter - spring rice crop has ended. Productivity of the winter - spring rice this year has risen by 10 – 15%. Rice price is about VND6,000/kg. 
After harvesting the winter - spring rice crop, some districts like Van Ninh District, Ninh Hoa District, etc. have sowed the summer - autumn rice crop. “
Normally, the summer - autumn rice crop is harvest from end September to early October. Sowing time is from end April to early June. The rainy season is forecast to come sooner, the sowing was made earlier.


Harvest of winter - spring rice completed
Harvest of winter - spring rice completed

According to the guideline of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the localities have checked the plan of summer - autumn rice crop sowing. In suitable areas, basing on the plant tranfering plan and current support policies, local authorities guide farmers to change into growing more economic plants. To have enough water for plants, farmers are encouraged to sow seeds timely, use high-quality rice varieties and focus on the main crop.

The summer – autumn rice area of the province this year is about 19,000 hectares, nearlt equal to the winter – spring rice area. Main varieties are still ML48, ML202, ML214 and OM4900. Changing to some rice varieties like TH41, Dai Thom 8 still continues. Dried areas have been changed into growing green beans, peanuts and corn.


Translated by T.T