10:05, 16/05/2018

VCCI Khanh Hoa accompanies businesses

VCCI Khanh Hoa (Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Khanh Hoa) has done a lot of support for businesses in the province.

VCCI Khanh Hoa (Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Khanh Hoa) has done a lot of support for businesses in the province.
From the beginning of 2017, VCCI Khanh Hoa has organized nearly 35 support activities, including training, workshops and surveys which attracted nearly 3,000 participants. Especially, the office has 25 new members. The business members as well as the local authority appreciate the role of VCCI Khanh Hoa in representing business community in the province more and more highly.
At conferences and workshops, VCCI Khanh Hoa has solved businesses’ queries related to banking activities. The office also and the provincial Department of Planning and Investment have jointly solved problems in managing businesses after founded. Besides, VCCI Khanh Hoa has organized some conferences on trade and investment cooperation with Japan and the US. Especially, during the past time, VCCI Khanh Hoa has introduced businesses to attend many events of APEC 2017.


Businesses displaying and introducing products at conference held by VCCI Khanh Hoa
Businesses displaying and introducing products at conference held by VCCI Khanh Hoa
As forecast by economic experts, businesses in Khanh Hoa Province will meet a lot of difficulties in 2018 due to impacts of the general economy and consequence of the storm Damrey in end 2017. In addition, some new generation trade agreements just signed have raised competition, requirements on products’ quality and labor capacity. Therefore, to support businesses, VCCI Khanh Hoa will intensify activities to improve business environment and competition capacity via workshops and conferences, build law policies as well as popularize laws and support businesses in improving professional skills and management.
Dang Thi Thu Nguyet, head of VCCI Khanh Hoa said, “VCCI Khanh Hoa plans to organize 5 talks on laws, 12 professional training courses, 10 workshops on markets abroad and talks between the authority with businesses to solve difficulties in operation. Besides, VCCI Khanh Hoa will issue more than 4,000 C/Os (Certificate of Origin) and continue guiding businesses about formalities, origin regulations, and online C/O granting.”
VCCI Khanh Hoa will also coordinate with the provincial Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and the provincial Labor Union to set up a harmonious, stable and advanced relationship in businesses with the aim to ensure rights and benefits for employees as well as employers. VCCI Khanh Hoa will coordinate with the provincial Department of Taxation and the provincial Department of Customs to organize talks with businesses. Especially, VCCI Khanh Hoa will coordinate with the provincial Department of Planning and Investment to hold talks between the provincial Standing People’s Committee with businesses.
Dinh Lam
Translated by T.T