11:05, 31/05/2018

West of Nha Trang City developing strongly

In recent years, the west of Nha Trang City has developed strongly. Many main roads like Vo Nguyen Giap, Phong Chau, etc. put into operation along with the planning of the provincial Administrative Center and road routes promise to develop this place strongly.

In recent years, the west of Nha Trang City has developed strongly. Many main roads like Vo Nguyen Giap, Phong Chau, etc. put into operation along with the planning of the provincial Administrative Center and road routes promise to develop this place strongly.

To develop infrastructures of Nha Trang City in accordance with the growth rate of tourism, since many years ago, Khanh Hoa Province’s authority has considered about the urbanization to the west and planed to move administrative and educational foundations to the west. According to the provincial Department of Construction, in 2007, the provincial People’s Committee built 1/2000 detail planning for the urban area in the west of Nha Trang. The urban area covers 2,032 hectares in communes of Vinh Hiep, Vinh Thai, Vinh Thanh, Vinh Trung (in Nha Trang City), Dien An and Dien Toan (in Dien Khanh District). In September, 2012, the Prime Minister ratified the project to adjust the general construction planning of Nha Trang City till 2025.


Infrastructures linking the west with the center of Nha Trang City well-done
Infrastructures linking the west with the center of Nha Trang City well-done
According to the leadership of the provincial Department of Construction, to reduce the press for the city center, the provincial People’s Committee has been expanding the city to the west to have more land for the city’s development. Especially, when administrative foundations move to the west, they will leave large land in the city center for tourism development…
In 2015, the provincial People’s Committee announced the project of area for administrative foundations. The project is set in the south of Phong Chau Street, Vinh Thai Commune, Nha Trang City. It comprises 126 hectares for technical infrastructures and about 35 hectares for administrative foundations. Besides, dredging Tac river and Quan Truong river will prevent flood and create the nice landscape by its two banks.  With the methodical planning and the development in reality, the west of Nha Trang promises to develop crowdedly and modernly.
Nhat Thanh
Translated by T.T