04:06, 11/06/2018

Khanh Hoa Province strives for USD725m in fishery export till 2025

According to the development planning for aquaculture of Khanh Hoa Province till 2025 and tendency for 2035, fishery export will reach USD725 million, a 5% - 6% growth; yield of processed fishery for export will reach 121,000 tons, increasing by 3.9%/year on average.

According to the development planning for aquaculture of Khanh Hoa Province till 2025 and tendency for 2035, fishery export will reach USD725 million, a 5% - 6% growth; yield of processed fishery for export will reach 121,000 tons, increasing by 3.9%/year on average.
Main export markets are the US, Europe and Japan, making up 75% of the total export turnover. In additional, some potential markets are Russia, Korea, China, Southeast Asian countries, Middle East, South America, Africa, etc.
Making up 80% of the processed fisheries for export are shrimps and fish.
The whole province now has 44 businesses  processing fisheries for export, processing about 600 – 700 tons of products each day.
Translated by T.T