04:06, 15/06/2018

May CPI of Khanh Hoa Province rises by 0.39%

Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Khanh Hoa Provine in May, 2018 rose by 0.39% over that in April and by 3.35% year-on-year, reported the provincial Statistics Office.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Khanh Hoa Provine in May, 2018 rose by 0.39% over that in April and by 3.35% year-on-year, reported the provincial Statistics Office.

6 out of 11 goods and service groups made increase in CPI, including dining-out food and services (0.12% up), drinks and cigarettes (0.19% up), garment – headwear - footwear (0.10%), housing – electricity – water – fuels – building materials (1.15%), home appliance (0.11%) and traffic (2.09% up). Groups of medicine – health services, post and telecommunication, education, and culture - entertainment – tourism has stable CPI. The group of other goods and services decreased by 0.01% in CPI.

Reasons for the increase in CPI were the rises in pig price, gas price, petrol price…


Translated by T.T