03:07, 26/07/2018

Making measures to collect taxes

In the first half of 2018, the tax revenue of Khanh Hoa Province  achieved good results but met some challenges. To fulfill the estimate of 2018, measures are required to be made in the coming time.

In the first half of 2018, the tax revenue of Khanh Hoa Province  achieved good results but met some challenges. To fulfill the estimate of 2018, measures are required to be made in the coming time.
In the first six months of the year, the tax revenue of Khanh Hoa Province was about VND7,640.7 billion, increasing by 18% year-on-year. Some taxes with good revenue were FDI sector, personal income tax, registration tax, non-agricultural land use tax, etc.
However, tax collection also met some difficulties. Total tax debts in the province were still big. Some businesses lost paying capacity and fled, leaving uncollected taxes.


A shop in Nha Trang
A shop in Nha Trang
Otherwise, due to the storm Damrey in end 2017 and some other reasons, tax revenues in some sectors were not high, like the Central State-own sector, local State-own sector, industrial, commercial and service sector, land hire, water surface hire, housing sale, etc. In the local State-own sector, the revenue came from Khanh Viet Corporation. In 2018, the company has covered its markets but the cigarrette smuggling has made the company’s sale still low.
According to Luong Van Nga, manager of the provincial Tax Department, to fulfill duty on State budget revenue for the third quarter and the whole year of 2018, the provincial Tax Department has carried out measures to manage tax collection. In tax debt management, the tax department will cooperate with other related department to have resolution.
Nguyen Kim
Translated by T.T