04:07, 18/07/2018

Workshop to introduce typical farm products of Khanh Hoa

Khanh Hoa Province Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on July 13 organized a workshop to introduce typital farm products on the province in 2018. 

Khanh Hoa Province Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on July 13 organized a workshop to introduce typital farm products on the province in 2018. More 100 typical farmers working in breeding, planting and aquaculture, scientists, administrators and businesses in agriculture attended the event.
At the workshop, the attenders shared experience in production and discussed problems related to 4.0 agriculture, price control, procedures to be certificated as clean production, etc. 


Some farm products displayed at the workshop
Some farm products displayed at the workshop
The workshop was an activity in the province’s program to restructure agriculture. This was an occasion to connect farmers with processing businesses as well as traders.
Translated by T.T