11:08, 31/08/2018

Khanh Hoa launches eTax service system

From August 27, Khanh Hoa Province Department of Taxation has launched electronic tax service system (eTax) to replace the system of electronic tax declaration and payment supply for businesses. 

From August 27, Khanh Hoa Province Department of Taxation has launched electronic tax service system (eTax) to replace the system of electronic tax declaration and payment supply for businesses. Vu Bach Hai, Deputy Head of Informatics Division the provincial Department of Taxation, said that:
- With the electronic tax service system (eTax) at http://thuedientu.gdt.gov.vn, individuals and organizations can access and manage all eTax services on an only one system instead of accessing many systems like before. The system has some features, those are access one system to use all services, managing all tax files and answering queries.
To large-scale businesses, beside the main account of tax code, they can create accounts for different positions like director, chief accountant, accountants, etc. to supervise responsibility of their members flexibly and closely. Besides, users can search tax files sent to tax agencies, their results, tax information, etc.
- How can organizations and individuals access eTax system?
- In case tax payers have no account on the electronic tax declaration and payment system, they need to register on eTax system under the direction at http://thuedientu.gdt.gov.vn.
In case tax payers have account of the electronic tax declaration and payment system at http://nopthue.gdt.gov.vn already, they will access eTax by their account: tax identification number -QL (ex: 42012345678-QL) with their old password. Then, tax payers can uses all tax services like tax declaration, tax rebate, tax payment, search, queries, account management and account decentralization. 
In case tax payers have account of the electronic tax declaration and payment system at http://nhantokhai.gdt.gov.vn, they will access eTax by their account: tax identification number (ex: 42012345678) with their old password. Then, tax payers can use tax declaration, tax rebate and search. 
For supports, tax payers can contact Tax Payer Supporting Division (3822028 - 3815073), Tax Accounting Division (3822056 - 3560257) and Informatics Division (3825372 - 3814750) of the provincial Department of Taxation.
- Thanks for your answers.
Kim Thao
Translated by T.T